Seattle to Portland 1 Day
Mine (right) compared to an anonymous Seattlelite. Guess what? We've both done STP |
Of course, I figured I had to do it once, and it might as well be this year. I signed up reluctantly, like the way one might swallow a giant spoonful of peanut butter. 200 miles of largely flat highway with 10,000 riders (yes, you read that right, phonetically for the stunned ten thousand riders)... it just doesn't have the same thrill as the Vicious Series rides. In fact, it sounds like a moving mosh pit of saddle sores.
Taken at mile 145. I look pretty great because these great guys have been pulling me for, you know, 140 miles |
The first 30 miles were a blur of passing people on crack/pot holed/ dirty city streets in the dark as the sun rose. It was amazing how fast we all got into sync with our paceline. Efficient drafting can reduce your energy output by up to 40% and man, we were getting close to that.
Eventually things calmed down from 8 cyclists across in the road to a reasonable 2-3 or (the nice times) just us. We almost always had leeches on us, meaning people who went "yahtzee! Free Ride!" and clung to our last person's wheel for dear life. Some of the leeches got a little aggressive, wanting to join our Fabulous Five; however, that typically leads to disaster (long story short, just picture poor choices and upside down bicycles) so we told them to go away and hang out behind us.
We reached the half way point (mile 99.5) was at Centralia about 5 hours in, drank a squirrel's body weight in chocolate milk (great mental image, yeah?), and then our fearless leader Jeff whipped us back on our bicycles to continue onward.
Faces of total relief. Our bikes are also wearing their relieved faces. |
But we made it (after getting a little lost in Portland)!!! I'm glad I did it, I'm really glad I got to finish with the HPC gang (we acquired Jim to become the Savagely Awesome Six!). Will I do it again? Only if I have some special thing like "I'm doing STP on a single speed" etc. Was this the hardest thing I've ever done? Absolutely not - that award goes this fucking train wreck. Are the HPC guys the best? Yes!
What did I do to recover? Eat a bunch? I wish. I ended up bussing/walking/driving home, getting back at 12:30 AM to my apt, sleeping 6 hours, waking up, grabbing food, and then heading out the door to the next adventure (to be continued...)